
How to Manage Chemotherapy Side Effects in Breast Cancer

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  • Unit No: N/A
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 9 / Words 2347
  • Paper Type: Case Study
  • Course Code: NUR272
  • Downloads: 146



Breast cancer is a form of cancer which occurs in the cells of the breast. It can develop in both men and women but it is more common in women. It is a medical disorder which is caused by to overgrowth of cells in the breast. The type of breast cancer relies on which cell of the breast is transforming into cancer. The respective organ of the human body consists of three different parts which are ducts, lobules and connective tissues (Greenlee and et. al., 2016). However, the cancer usually takes place in ducts or lobules. The following study is based on a case study of a person named Amy who is suffering from breast cancer. Management of the increased risk of infection related to chemotherapy treatment for Amy will also be covered in the study.  

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Accurate Nursing Assessment Using The Corbin And Strauss Illness Trajectory Model Reasoned To The Goal Of Management.

The trajectory model consists number of steps which are required to be followed by care practitioners while dealing with providing proper treatment. It can be considered as a nursing model which is generally applied in chronic diseased conditions. According considered as of Amy, it is required to focus on relevant factors of these conditions with patients that are given here. Initially, the pre-trajectory or initial phase takes place before the duration when any kind of sign or symptoms are not present. Secondly, the the trajectory onset phase occurs when initial symptoms and signs can be observed easily which consists of the period of carrying out effective diagnosis procedures related to symptoms of diseases like be observed. Thirdly, it consists e of crises defined as those circumstances when potentially life-threatening conditions take place (Klemanski, Browning and Kue, 2016). However, the acute life-threatening critical situation occurs on the crisis phase in that care practitioners provide medical facilities in order to control the vision and the symptoms with the help of a prescribed regimen. In addition to this stable phase begins the condition when the symptoms of breakdancer are controlled in a given case. Moreover, the unstable phase contains the circumstance of Amy when her symptoms of breast cancer are controlled by a previously adopted regimen. Meanwhile, the downward phase consists situation featuring progressive physical and mental states that cause the infection riconsistsase of Amy. Furthermore, the dying phase takes hours, days or weeks till the death of an individual.

On the other hand, this nursing model is required to be applied in the case of Amy in terms of conducting management of the increased risk of infection related to chemotherapy py. It includes the several steps which should be followed to determine relevant problems and symptoms of given patients to provide correct treatment for making them well-being. Meanwhile, these activities have a correct sequence according to which it is required to be conducted in the case of Amy which is explained further:

Identifying the trajectory phase: In the case of a given patient, it is required to identify the relevant symptoms of breast cancer and infection related to chemotherapy. It is necessary to determine these signs along with carrying out diagnosing procedures to examine the causes behind them which need to be treated by appropriate treatment techniques (Gorman and et. al., 2018).

Identifying the problems and goals: Amy is suffering from breast cancer for which physicians have started a cycle of chemotherapy to treat the health issue. It consists of the problem of increased risk of infection related to chemo the goal is to reduce the risk of infection caused by the process of chemotherapy.

Establishing plans to meet goals: This includes more effective as well as efficient interventions with rationale which are required to be followed step by step to achieve the goal of making the patient free of risk of infection.

Identifying factors that facilitate e or hinder the ailment of good the support of care professionals and family members Amy facilitates her well-being.

Implementing interventions: Tand he nursing interventiofacilitatesbe applied by considering all important factors to gain better patient outcomes (Mayer, 2016).

Evaluating the effectiveness of interventions: The care practitioners are required to monitor the condition of Amy after providing medical facilities to evaluate the effectiveness of implemented interventions.

Demonstrates providing in Decision Making, Care Planning, Care Delivery And Management Which Align with the Socioecological Framework.

According to the case of Amy, decision-making can be done through diagnosis and visible symptoms of patients to provide decision-making for them. It includes applying several interventions to reduce rotation related to chemotherapy and delivering applying ces to a selected individual by considering factors such as MICRO, MESO and MACRO to gain better outcomes. Micro innsist clients and personal physicians & nurses deal with Amy to provide care micro regularly. Most client stores involve the other sundial practitioners and technological systems of an organisation playing a role in the context of a given patient. Macro elements include the legislations and regulations related to healthcare which are mandatory to be followed by staff members while providing care to Amy for making her healthy. The care plan applicable to the selected patient is given below.

Nursing Interventions


Initially, there is a requirement to the of promoting the appropriate process of hand washing by visitors and staff members. It is necessary to promote a limit of visitors having any kind of infection and place patients in reverse isolation as indicated by the physician (Wei and et. al., 2017).

It is helpful to the patients and individuals from various sources of infections including medical staff and visitors having problems with URI (upper respiratory infection).

It is necessary to emphasise the personal hygiene of a given patient.

It is favourable to make limitations for potential resources containing infections as well as secondary overgrowth.

The care practitioner should focus on monitoring the temperature of the patient.

It is supportive to analyse the condition of an individual because elevation of temperature may take place due to side effects of chemotherapy, infection or disease process. This concept can be considered only if not masked by anti-inflammatory drugs or corticosteroids. It is favourable because early detection of infection enables care practitioners to apply the correct therapy for the welfare of the person (Iyer and et. al., 2017).

It is needed to check the system for signs and symptoms related to respiratory, genitourinary, skin etc. in regards to determining infection regularly.

This is suitable to detect infections earlier for implementing appropriate intervention in terms of preventing progression to more severe conditions or sepsis.

It necessary to make the patient reposition in frequent manner, keeping linens dry and free of wrinkles. is

It is supportive ithe n respect to reducing quently well as irritation related to tissues and may prevent the breakdown of skin i.e., a potential area of the site regarding the growth of bacteria.

It is important to promote an adequate duration of exercise and rest.

This will provide help for limiting fatigue and encourage sufficient movement which facilitates the prevention of stasis complexities such as decubitus, bus formation andacilitates

staff should stress the importance in regards to appropriate oral hygiene of an individual.

It is helpful maintain health otherwise the development of stomatitis is responsible for increasing the risk of infection along with secondary growth.

It is necessary for limiting or avoiding invasive processes along with adhering to the aseptic techniques.

It is to limit the risk of contamination along with limiting entry regarding agents of infections.

The nursing staff are required to monitor the CBS with differential WBC along with granulocyte count as well as platelets as per the indication of the physician (Jefford and et. al., 2017).

It is quite possible that the activity of bone marrow can be inhibited through the impacts of chemotherapy, radiation therapy or the state of a specific disease. It is suitable to carry out monitoring of status related to myelosuppression is very significant in order to prevent further complications including anaemia, haemorrhage or infection and schedule of drugs.

It is required by care practitioners to obtain the cultures as per the indication given by the drugs.

It is favourable to determine the causative organisms as well as correct therapy suitable for the well-being of selected patients.

Finally, it is essential to conduct the administration of antibiotics as per guidelines provided by specialists for specific patients.

It ca be utilised by nurses concerning treating the determined infection or given prophylactic-ally in immuno compromnursespatient.


Provide Rationales For Factor(s) That May Facilitate (Contribute To) Or Hinder Goals Inpatientsnagement Of The Case.

The factors that may facilitate achieving the goals of managing the needs of a given patient consist of micro, macro and meso elements. It includes the personal allocated nurse or physical and client are consider in micro factors who requires to focus on specific treatment plan along with making Amy comfortable to gain beare considered. Patients should comply with doctors and follow their guidelines to avoid infection and be cared for to treat breast cancer. It is necessary for nurse to take care while following appropriate procedure in terms of managing Nursethe must takectionnursess and et. al., 2016). On the other hand, it has been analysed that meso level of elements contains entire management of hospital and utilisation of effective machines the s, equipment and other materials the s for correctly conducting chem therapies. It is helpful to avoid equipment infection occurring during chemotherapy. However, it also includes the staff members and specialists dealing with the case of Amy to perform with effective cooperation as well as coordination with a focus on providing the correct treatment for well-being if selected individual. Moreover, it is required for medical professionals to utilise technological and other clinical instruments carefully to carry out treatment procedure properly.

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The third one is macro factors including regulations and legislated procedures are favourable to providing correct direct-to-care professionals for putting their efforts in correct direction. It is observed that legal rules, codes of conduct and organisational regulations are helpful to avoid chance of occurrence errors at clinical level that is suitable for wellness of people (Schmidt and et. al., 2016).in avoiding this, the medical practitioner oners also cited the case of Amy should obey the legislation and regulations to avoid mistakes which facilitate management increased risk of management action related to chemotlegislationFrom the above report, it has been concluded that breast cancer can defined as a type of cancer in which cancerous cells developed in breast cells. It includes the management of risk of infection related to chemotherapy by considering three factors such as micro, meso and mac the ro which facilitate better treatment of patient. However. It consists of an effective care plan with several nursing interventions with ratithe patientsncluding hand hygiene etc.

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